Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pride and Humility—Today’s Gospel Reflection on Proverbs 11:2

Proverbs 11:2

“When pride comes, then comes shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.”
Almighty God,The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning


From this verse, we can see that pride and humility lead to different gains in the end. In fact, around us we can see that some people are very lowly, they ask others humbly when encountering things they don’t understand, and they will gain a lot at last. On the contrary, some people think they don’t need to ask others, and they can do anything. Thus, they won’t have other gains to improve themselves and will only remain stagnant. Take the eunuch of Ethiopia, even though he had a high status and prestige at that time, he was not self-righteous but sought the truth humbly from Philip, and received the Lord Jesus’ salvation in the end (Acts 8:26-38); while the Pharisees understood the Bible, but they measured and treated the Lord Jesus according to their notions, and tried to resist the Lord. In the end, they suffered God’s curses and punishment for nailing the Lord to the cross. It can be seen that the proud can only fail at last, while the lowly will gain a great deal.
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