Sunday, March 11, 2018

Who is He that has returned?

The sister talks about her experience about believing in God in the video. It has really broadened my views! This is the most practical experience and knowledge I've ever heard, and I found ways from
it. Also it made me deep in thought. Reflecting on my way since I began to believe in God, whether it’s approved by God? Think about the way I walked, am I making the same mistake as the sisters did before? This testimony benefits me so much. I have a deeper understanding and knowledge of God. I know how to worship the Creator as a creature. I saw God's salvation to human, So I obey before God to be gained fully by God… This experience testimony is different from what I have heard. It's worth recommending. Strongly recommend it! (repost)

Although our sins are absolved once we believe in the Lord, we still live in the midst of sin, committing and confessing sins on a daily basis and all yearning for the time when we will no longer commit any sin or defy God. In the last days, Almighty God does His work of judgment to resolve our satanic dispositions and sinful natures. Listen! The brothers and sisters from The Church of Almighty God share their testimonies of undergoing the judgment and chastisement of God's word and how this transformed their dispositions.

Eastern Lightning/Knowing God's Work Today

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