Saturday, January 27, 2018

The persecution of the freedom of religious belief / The human rights of Christians

The CCP always persecutes any spiritual belief, but especially those that are more rooted, more people who believe in them. This is the case of Falun Gong, millions of practitioners. It is the case of The Church of Almighty God, where the Christians are being persecuted,too. So they are persecuting millions of innocent citizens for their spiritual beliefs.
The senior human rights lawyer Carlos said that: There is a real
terrible and bloody persecution in China, without any justification, because the CCP tries to defame with their strategy in order to justify their persecution, defaming people who are good people, who simply believe in God, who have their principles and values, and that's why they are being persecuted by the CCP. All those people of The Church of Almighty God with whom I have contacted are good people, honest people, righteous Chinese citizens who are simply trying to be better people and so are being persecuted, tortured and even killed within China.

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