Tuesday, January 23, 2018

God Is God | Bless God | Christian Music Video "All People Live in God’s Light" | Praise and Worship

Now in exultation, God’s holiness and righteousness 
thrive through the universe, exalting among all mankind. 
Cities of heaven laugh. The kingdoms of earth dance.
Men do not quarrel nor come to blows.
Who doesn’t jubilate? Who doesn’t shed tears? They do not disgrace God’s name, 
Earth belongs to heaven. Heaven unites with earth.
living in the light of God, being in peace with each other.
Man is the cord that bonds the heaven and the earth. 
Men do not quarrel nor come to blows.
Thanks to man’s sanctity, thanks to his renewal, 
heaven hides from earth no more, earth keeps still to heaven no more. They do not disgrace God’s name, 
living in the light of God, being in peace with each other.
living in the light of God, being in peace with each other.Men do not quarrel nor come to blows. 
The air is brisk, the dense fog gone, the sun shines through and through. They do not disgrace God’s name, 
The air is brisk, the dense fog gone, the sun shines through and through.
The air is brisk, the dense fog gone, the sun shines through and through.The air is brisk, the dense fog gone, the sun shines through and through. 
Hidden in their hearts, sweetness goes for miles.Faces of humanity wreathed in a smile. Men do not quarrel nor come to blows. 
Being in peace with each other. Being in peace with each other.
They do not disgrace God’s name,
living in the light of God, being in peace with each other.Men do not quarrel nor come to blows. 
living in the light of God, being in peace with each other.They do not disgrace God’s name.


Almighty God's Word "What a Real Man Means" | The Church of Almighty God
Almighty God's Word "Are You a True Believer of God?" | Eastern Lightning

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