Monday, November 27, 2017

Believers in God Should Prepare for Their Destination With Sufficient Good Deeds

Relevant Words of God:

My mercy is expressed upon those who love Me and deny themselves. And the punishment visited upon the wicked is precisely proof of My righteous disposition and, even more, testimony to My wrath. When disaster comes, famine and plague will befall all those who oppose Me and they will weep. Those who have committed all manner of wickedness, but who have followed Me for many years, will not escape indictment; they too, falling into disaster, the like of which has seldom been seen throughout the ages, will come to live in a constant state of panic and fear. And those of My followers who have shown loyalty to Me alone shall rejoice and applaud My might. They will experience ineffable contentment and live in a joy that I have never before bestowed upon mankind. For I treasure the good deeds of men and abhor their evil deeds. …

     … I have done work that can be done by no other, My only hope is that man can repay Me with some good deeds. Though those who can repay Me are very few, I will still conclude My journey in the human world and begin the next step of My unfolding work, because all My rushing to and fro in man’s midst these many years has been fruitful, and I am very pleased. What I care about is not the number of men but rather their good deeds. In any case, I hope that you prepare a sufficiency of good deeds for your own destination. Then will I be satisfied; otherwise, none of you shall escape the disaster that befalls you. The disaster originates with Me and is of course orchestrated by Me. If you cannot appear as good in My eyes, then you will not escape suffering the disaster. In the midst of tribulation, your actions and deeds were not considered entirely appropriate, for your faith and love were hollow, and you only showed yourselves to be either timid or tough. Regarding this, I will only make a judgment of good or bad. My concern continues to be the way in which each of you acts and expresses himself, on the basis of which I shall determine your end. However, I must make this clear: I will give no more mercy to those who gave Me no jot of loyalty in times of tribulation, for My mercy only extends so far. Furthermore, I have no liking for anyone who has once betrayed Me, much less do I like to associate with those who sell out the interests of their friends. This is My disposition, regardless of who the person may be. I must tell you this: Anyone who breaks My heart shall not receive clemency from Me a second time, and anyone who has been faithful to Me shall forever remain in My heart.
from “You Ought to Prepare a Sufficiency of Good Deeds for Your Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

I only hope that in the last stage of My work, you are able to perform outstandingly, are fully devoted, and are no longer half-hearted. Of course, I also hope that you all have a good destination. Nevertheless, I still have My own requirement, which is for you to make the best decision in offering up to Me your sole and final devotion. If someone doesn’t have that sole devotion, that person is surely going to become Satan’s treasure, and I will not continue to use him. I shall send him home to be looked after by his parents.
from “On Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

You should do your own duty to the best of your ability with open and upright hearts, and be willing to do whatever it takes. As you have said, when the day comes, God will not mistreat anyone who has suffered or paid a price for Him. This kind of conviction is worth holding on to, and you should never forget it. Only this way can I put My mind at ease about you. Otherwise, I will never be able to put My mind at ease regarding you, and you will forever be the objects of My distaste. If you all can follow your conscience and give your all for Me, spare no effort for My work, and devote a lifetime of effort to My gospel work, then won’t My heart often jump for joy for you? Won’t I be able to entirely put My mind at ease regarding you?
from “On Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

You can devote your heart and body and all of your genuine love to God, place them before Him, be completely obedient toward Him, and be absolutely considerate to His will. Not for the flesh, not for family, and not for your personal desires, but for the interests of God’s household. In everything you can take God’s word as the principle, as the foundation. That way, your intentions and your perspectives will all be in the right place, and you will be someone who gains God’s praise before Him. Those who God likes are people who are absolute toward Him, people who are devoted to Him and none other.
from “People Who Can Be Absolutely Obedient Toward God’s Practicality Are Those Who Truly Love God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

If seeking the way of truth pleases you well, then you are one who lives often in the light. If you are glad to be a service-doer in the house of God, working diligently and conscientiously in obscurity, always giving and never taking, then I say that you are a loyal saint, for you seek no reward and are simply being an honest man. If you are willing to be candid, if you are willing to give your all, if you are able to sacrifice your life for God and stand witness, if you are honest and think only to please God, and never consider yourself or take for yourself, then I say that such people are those who are nourished by the light and shall live forever in the kingdom.
from “Three Admonitions” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

Almighty God's Word "Knowing God's Work Today" | The Church of Almighty God | Eastern Lightning

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