Monday, September 24, 2018

God's Deeds Fill the Vast Expanse of the Universe

Praise and Worship Music Gospel Video"God's Deeds Fill the Vast Expanse of the Universe" | Praise the Return of the Lord 1. God looks down upon all things from on high, and dominates all things from on high.
At the same time, God has sent His salvation over the earth. God is watching from His secret place all the time, man’s every move, everything they say and do. God knows man like the palm of His hand. The secret place is God’s abode, the firmament is the bed He lies on. Satan’s force cannot reach unto God, for He is full of majesty, righteousness, and judgment. 2. God has trodden all things with His feet, He stretches out His gaze over the universe. And God has walked among men, has tasted the sweetness and bitterness, all flavors of the human world; but men, they never truly recognized God, nor did they notice God as He walked abroad. Because God was silent, and performed no supernatural deeds, thus, no one ever truly saw Him. Things are not now as they once were: God is going to do things that, throughout the ages, the world has never seen, God is going to speak words that, throughout the ages, men have never heard, because He asks that all humanity come to know God in the flesh. from “The Fifth Utterance” and “The Sixth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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