Sunday, December 31, 2017

Praise God With a Heart of Love for Him | "Offering a Sincere Heart Up to God" Christian Music Video

Hey, brothers and sisters, let’s sing and dance to praise God! Okay! Brothers and sisters, let’s swing into action; don’t be embarrassed or feel shy. God cares not if our movements are good or bad, only genuine praise makes Him happy. If you want to praise Him with all of your heart, set aside your pride and swing into action. God cares not how old we are, nor how many of us here stand. Sincere praise sets our spirit free. Give all glory to God. Praising God with our whole heart brings joy, God’s grace is surely bestowed on us.

Brothers and sisters come and praise God; it’s our duty to praise Him with all our heart. Those who praise Him will receive His blessings, for which all wealth on earth cannot be traded. We are fortunate to be raised before God; it’s God’s grace and profound love. No king is more blessed than we are, we shall not look down upon ourselves. Offer a sincere heart up to God, all created beings praise Him heartily. Today we live in the kingdom, uplifted by God to be His people. All glory be to Almighty God; those with a heart of love for God come and praise Him. All glory be to Almighty God; those with a heart of love for God come and praise Him. Those with a heart of love for God come and praise Him, praise Him. from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs Thank Almighty God!

The Church of Almighty God came into being because of the appearance and work of the returned Lord Jesus—Almighty God, Christ of the last days, and also under His righteous judgment and chastisement. The church is comprised of all those who truly accept Almighty God's work of the last days and are conquered and saved by God's word.

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